Customers- Case studies



Danlog-Intercosma, a leading logistics and distribution company specializing in the production of cosmetics and toiletries, sought to create a competitive advantage by digitally transforming work processes and providing quick responses to customers. The objective was to enable the organization to make rapid changes according to market needs and provide a quick, easy, and convenient interface for every new customer.
To achieve this goal, Danlog chose to implement IConduct, a SaaS product on the AWS infrastructure, which provides simplicity in implementing interfaces and significant improvements in all work processes. The implementation of IConduct has enabled Danlog to achieve added value in multiple ways.
Firstly, there has been a dramatic improvement in the speed of response when dealing with new customers, giving Danlog a fast response advantage over its competitors. Additionally, the implementation of IConduct has ensured system stability and availability and enabled the company to monitor and control processes in real time.

Additionally, IConduct has provided flexibility in its application and response time, ensuring real-time data availability for complex logistics management.
By implementing IConduct, Danlog has successfully created a competitive advantage, digitally transformed work processes, and provided quick responses to customers. The added value of IConduct, including its real-time data availability, flexibility, and system stability, has enabled Danlog to meet the needs of its customers while staying ahead of the competition.



Cellebrite is the leader in digital intelligence and investigative analytics, partnering with public and private organizations to transform how they collect, review, analyze and manage data in investigations to protect and save lives, accelerate justice, and ensure data security. Their goal was to provide customer self-service through digital access to their services in one click.
Prior to the project's implementation, a customer would visit the Cellebrite website, triggering a process involving several departments in the organization, such as sales, service, marketing, finance, and others. All activities were performed behind the scenes, with no fully automated digital process.
After implementing IConduct, customers can independently request additional services from Cellebrite service catalog and receive confirmation of their referral at the end of the process.

Added value:

High customer satisfaction - customers today prefer a fast digital response and have little patience for complex and cumbersome processes.

Simplification and automation of processes enable businesses to allocate their workforce to other tasks. Moreover, digital and automated processes produce high customer satisfaction and prevent errors that results in credits and wasting time on back office processes.

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